



How to start cross stitching from scratch?

Perhaps you have no idea now what cross stitch is. But believe that every person can embroider their first picture with a cross. First of all, it is, of course, the fear of empty space on the canvas. To overcome this fear, you need to embroider something. Just take and embroider any simple cross stitch on the canvas. You need to feel the needle, see how the crosses look in general, try to embroider with thread on the canvas. This may seem stupid to some, but believe me, many people put off their dream - to master the technique of cross stitching, just because they are afraid to start. But if the dream turns out to be stronger, sooner or later, you will overcome this barrier and begin to cross-stitch pictures. And here, I want to move on to the next reason why many do not dare to embroider classes - the choice of materials.

Required components and materials for cross stitching

Cotton thread is one of the oldest types of thread used by needlewomen, therefore thread embroidery is one of the most popular in the world. In order to become a needlewoman and learn how to correctly embroider pictures with a cross, threads alone will not be enough. As a rule, the choice of materials and accessories for embroidery complicates the process of cross-stitching a picture for beginners. First, some are trying to save money on components and buy cheap threads and inexpensive canvas. It is better not to do this, even at the initial stage. Buying low-quality components (and many cheap products for embroidery are of poor quality), you run the risk of getting bad cross-stitching and disappointment with the result, and never again want to embroider! Therefore, before you save 100-200 UAH, think, is it worth it that you get disappointed and give up a hobby that could bring you happiness and joy? Secondly, even if you are not disappointed in your work and embroider a beautiful picture with a cross, imagine how upset it would be for you if, after a few weeks or months, due to a poor-quality thread, it deteriorates: will it fade, fade, or the canvas will sag? Therefore, never save on materials and components! I understand that this is difficult, especially considering how expensive they are, but then you can use the following life hack: follow the discounts and promotions in our Bereginya embroidery and needlework store, or buy something together with your girlfriends, needlewomen.

How to organize the place for cross stitching?

When we imagine a needlewoman, the image of her workshop will surely flash in our minds - pictures embroidered with a cross hang on the walls, sunlight floods the entire space through large windows, and a canvas with embroidered embroidery is stretched on the hoop. Unfortunately, the realities of our life are such that not everyone has the opportunity to have a whole room for their workshop. It will be lucky if at least there is a corner in an apartment or house where you can calmly decompose with all the accessories and materials. But even in the tightest conditions, you can create your own handicraft corner and organize your workplace so that it will be convenient and comfortable for you to cross-stitch. First, pick the brightest spot in the room. It is best if it is natural daylight from a window. And if you plan to embroider a picture for a long time, then it is better to embroider always in good lighting. Place the embroidery hoop so that the light shines on the embroidery, but does not dazzle your eyes. It is ideal to place the hoop at a slight angle to the window. It is better to keep the needles in the organizer, so they will not get lost and will be away from third-party hands.
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