


Beaded Embroidery Icons


Embroidery beads icons

If you still decided to start embroidering the icon and have already taken up the needle, then first let's think about the difference between church embroidery and embroidery secular. There are many religious paintings on the market, but they never become church embroidery. Contemplating the embroidered paintings on secular topics a person gets more aesthetic pleasure from embroidered image. And in the icons lies spiritual beauty, which stronger than external beauty. The icon is translated from Greek as an image which embodies the scripture through image lines and paint icons. The main task of the icon is to reveal the inner hidden meaning, they emphasize the conventions of the image itself icons. From ancient times, icon embroidery was the lesser sister of icon painting, she always clearly followed the icon painters, repeating both compositions and plots icons, cherished both traditions and canons of religion. Icon painters drew icons on different fabrics, and beadwork was already done by nuns. Job over all the icons always began with a prayer to that saint over whom worked. At the beginning of the work, the craftswomen were sprinkled with holy water and only then they started to embroider. While embroidering, they constantly read the Psalter and other religious literature. Always embroidering icons with beads accompanied by prayer. In whatever technique you embroider, whatever the plot was not chosen, the main thing is with what mood, thoughts and feelings you you will embroider.

How to choose the icons for beadwork?

In our embroidery store icons with beads, you can buy kits and patterns for embroidery with beads in different techniques. If you have a desire to create interior decoration for yourself or for a loved one, then beadwork of icons is the best choice. The best option in this situation would be ready-made kits that are widely are presented in the catalogs of our online store. Sets equipped with a canvas with a printed pattern, the necessary beads, a needle for beads and instructions. To embroider icons with beads, you need a little patience and attention. Therefore, embroidery kits are suitable for both experienced needlewomen and for beginners. There are several types of stitching beads - full and partial. Full sewing is when all the details pictures are embroidered with beads. Such embroidery for beginner needlewomen a bit difficult to work with, but finished embroidery turns out to be expensive and spectacular. Partial embroidery is when a certain part of the image, and the background remains unstitched. Such embroidery can be recommended for beginners as it has less work. When choosing a kit, keep in mind that most kits are not supplied hoops, threads and baguettes. These accessories need to be purchased separately. Beaded embroidery icons is the best gift for embroidery lovers and needlework.
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