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The only thing on Earth that can be a symbol of the sun for us is sunflowers. They are beautiful in their external beauty and vitality, they radiate a powerful charge of good energy, give people hope in difficult moments of life. Pictures embroidered with a cross are like a plexus of unknown feelings that spilled onto the canvas during the process of embroidery. Complex flowers overflowing with inner energy and strength, flexible stems, as it were, change before the eyes of people, go through their not large, but saturated cycle of life. Sunflowers, flowers that live in harmony with the cosmos, and move their flower after the sun in the sky.
Cross stitch kits for sunflowers
The cost of paintings by Van Gogh with painted sunflowers is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is clear that it is simply unrealistic for an ordinary art connoisseur to buy such a picture with sunflowers in the original. But at the same time, you have the opportunity to buy a set for cross stitch with sunflowers and fill your life with the feelings of the author, or you can donate a picture embroidered with sunflowers.
Виріб яскравий, як на картинці. Є полотно, нитки, голка...Акуратне пакування.
Замовлення прийшло швидко і вчасно.
Чудовий подарунок. Особливо, для творчих людей.!!!
Я очень довольна покупкой схемы вышивки бисером ДАНА. Она дает мне возможность выразить свою креативность и создать собственные произведения искусства.
Чоловіча вишиванка - це прекрасна комбінація традиції і стилю. Вона виражає національну культуру і підкреслює мужність і гордість чоловіка. Дякую за гарну вишиванку!