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landscapes are the most popular genre of embroidered paintings that
used in the design of home and public interiors. Such
embroidered plots can take you thousands of kilometers from that place
where you are now, where you are on vacation or where you are
have long dreamed of visiting. Embroidery of the sea is a picture that is in
constant movement, like a sailboat that tends to the unknown
dalyam. Buying a seascape cross stitch kit - lovely
a way to diversify your leisure time and room design. This embroidery theme
landscapes are very beneficial because of their versatility. Sea embroidery
made in the spirit of classicism will harmoniously complement the historical
interior. The panel embroidered in the style of realism will become a bright accent in any
the interior. Buy a cross stitch kit with the sea and embroider a picture -
probably the easiest way to fill your life
space with a positive mood. Embroidered landscape with sea can
act not only as an auxiliary accent in the decor, but it can also
be the main place in the design of interiors. Interiors with
Cross stitch embroidery will remain popular for a long time.
Виріб яскравий, як на картинці. Є полотно, нитки, голка...Акуратне пакування.
Замовлення прийшло швидко і вчасно.
Чудовий подарунок. Особливо, для творчих людей.!!!
Я очень довольна покупкой схемы вышивки бисером ДАНА. Она дает мне возможность выразить свою креативность и создать собственные произведения искусства.
Чоловіча вишиванка - це прекрасна комбінація традиції і стилю. Вона виражає національну культуру і підкреслює мужність і гордість чоловіка. Дякую за гарну вишиванку!