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Large and complex cross stitching as a great decorative element
Cross-stitching of large-sized paintings is popular among experienced
long experience of embroiderers who embroider interior paintings under
order. Embroidering large size paintings is very expensive to look at
walls, but directly schemes for cross stitching in large sizes
in complexity, they do not differ much from other schemes of smaller sizes, if
only with the patience of the craftswoman and the number of components in the set
pictures with such dimensions necessary for embroidery with threads. On
embroideries of large sizes, fine detailing is very clearly visible,
borders of color transitions, midtones and shades of colors. Embroidery themes
large paintings are taken with a lot of small details and
are worked out to the smallest detail. In this subsection of the kits catalog for
cross stitch we will collect all possible sets of cross stitch paintings with
large size.
Cross stitch kits for paintings of large sizes
Large paintings in most cases cause people
unique emotions and respect for the work of the craftswoman. Cross-stitch
such paintings are a way to create a pattern on a fabric basis using
needles and floss of different colors and shades. Large embroidery sizes
indicate incredible skill, concentration, endless interest in
his embroidery, steel willpower, as well as a huge amount
time spent in the embroidery process.
Cross-stitch embroidery is quite common and popular among
needlewomen when embroidering monumental paintings.
Embroidery kits will serve this purpose best because they contain
there is everything you need to achieve the goal, and they fully give
the ability to get the desired result with minimal labor costs.
The site of the online store of embroidery and needlework Bereginya gives everyone
the opportunity to buy kits for cross stitch, which has everything
necessary for embroidering pictures from large sizes, and which
will definitely bring you and your loved ones a large amount
positive emotions.
Виріб яскравий, як на картинці. Є полотно, нитки, голка...Акуратне пакування.
Замовлення прийшло швидко і вчасно.
Чудовий подарунок. Особливо, для творчих людей.!!!
Я очень довольна покупкой схемы вышивки бисером ДАНА. Она дает мне возможность выразить свою креативность и создать собственные произведения искусства.
Чоловіча вишиванка - це прекрасна комбінація традиції і стилю. Вона виражає національну культуру і підкреслює мужність і гордість чоловіка. Дякую за гарну вишиванку!