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If you have a desire
add bright point accents and bring a new one to the interior
energy, then you need to pay your attention to the sets for
cross stitch embroidery of poppies, which are widely represented in the catalog of our
online store of cross stitch Embroidered picture with
the image of a poppy will be appropriate in any interior, regardless of
room decoration. Poppy flower color palette includes
saturated colors of red, green, sometimes the primary colors are complemented
purple and blue shades. The background of the embroidered picture can be as
light and dark. Pleasant combinations of bright saturated colors and
shades make you consider and admire the embroidery over and over again. IN
in accordance with the basics of Chinese philosophy, the poppy flower symbolizes
masculinity, so the image of this flower is best placed in
bedroom. Embroidery of poppies is quite appropriate in the office, because poppies are also
personifies the light of the sun, warmth and well-being.
Each individual set of cross stitch poppies is a possibility for each
the embroiderer to create a unique masterpiece, spend many pleasant hours in
embroidering a flower, will help to distract from everyday problems and
fill your life with bright poppy colors. Each set is complete
everything necessary for cross-stitching: canvas, floss, pattern
embroidery, needle, etc. Sets collected in the category "Poppies" contain
symbolic schemes for embroidery of flowers with different levels of difficulty.
With a wide selection of cross stitch kits, each
the craftswoman will find a suitable poppy flower. Poppy embroidery is the best
choice for those who want to freshen up the interior of their home. Buy any
cross stitch kit for poppies you can right now without leaving your home.
Виріб яскравий, як на картинці. Є полотно, нитки, голка...Акуратне пакування.
Замовлення прийшло швидко і вчасно.
Чудовий подарунок. Особливо, для творчих людей.!!!
Я очень довольна покупкой схемы вышивки бисером ДАНА. Она дает мне возможность выразить свою креативность и создать собственные произведения искусства.
Чоловіча вишиванка - це прекрасна комбінація традиції і стилю. Вона виражає національну культуру і підкреслює мужність і гордість чоловіка. Дякую за гарну вишиванку!