Cross stitch tulips
This is a very popular flower embroidery technique that allows you to create incredibly beautiful and bright pictures. Tulips are bright flowers with various shades that can be embroidered in different colors thread, which allows you to vary the design and create unique plots.ДYou will need kits to do tulip cross stitch for cross-stitching, including fabric, threads of different colors, needles and embroidery pattern. First, you should choose the scheme that is the most close to your preferences and skills. Then you should pull the fabric on embroidery ring and start embroidering, strictly following the symbolic pattern schemes Fabric for embroidery can be any color, but usually white, yellow, pink or red are used to embroider tulips fabric Various crosses are embroidered to create nuances and shadows shade and direction.
Cross-stitching tulips can take quite a lot of time and patience, but the result is worth the effort. Other than that, it is beautiful a way to spend time and relax, and the finished embroidery can become a good gift for family and friends.